How to Improve Your Shop's Dust Collection?

As all business owners know, certain machine upgrades continually get put off either for budgetary reasons or simply because of the installation hassles.

Dust collections systems frequently get placed on the backburner for these reasons eventually causing insufficient vacuum pressure/CFM. We encourage our customers to consider Gate System dust collectors when they are ready to commit to improving their air quality and machine performances.

Depending on the number of workstations and employees operating simultaneously, each dust collection system is “customized” to fit the needs of each facility. One of our go-to solutions, and a customer-favorite, has a modular design allowing you to “grow” your system by easily adding more units to the original setup. Contact us for more information about this type of dust collection system or to learn more about how to increase the efficiency of your current set-up.

Gate system dust collectors consist of a large, often external, main unit with piping to each internal workstation. Gates within the piping are wired to open while the machine is operating and close automatically once the machine is shut down. This is quite energy efficient and offers optimum CFM for each workstation. These can often qualify for energy incentives through your local power supply company; see our post about Energy Incentives here.

Contact Joe at 360.901.7844

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